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For Sale Scense Mini Washing Machine for baby (Free Enfamil Milk in Tampines Central 1, East Singapore for sale

For Sale Scense Mini Washing Machine for baby (Free
For Sale Scense Mini Washing Machine for baby (Free Enfamil Milk
For Sale Scense Mini Washing Machine for baby (Free Enfamil Milk
For Sale Scense Mini Washing Machine for baby (Free Enfamil Milk

Scense Mini Washing Machine for Sale. Perfect for washing new born & baby clothes. Sensitive clothes need to be separated from normal washing. Efficiently washes small items, including delicates, without tears and snags. It has a small, built-in agitator which takes up very little space, but helps separate the clothes for a gentler wash. saves money, water and electricity
Free Enfamil New Born formula milk. 1 tin can. & 2 baby food jars.